
Python Projects

Here is where you can find all my Python projects. Quiz Game

Junior Tech Team Corner

Here is where you can find all of the trainings I have lead for junior tech team members at Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School.                           Computer hardware training Basic Malware Training Ethernet cable crimping Computer hardware and why...

Custom Video Game Controllers

 Here you can find all of the custom video game controllers I have made.  

3D Modeling Projects

Here you can find all of my 3D models that have I created and printed.        

Comptia Security Plus (Competed)

I have started to study for the Comptia Security Plus exam. This exam covers multiple concepts in cybersecurity. I will learn how to secure resources, networks and endpoints among other things. Passing this exam and obtaining this certification will complete my Comptia Trifecta. 

Comptia Network+ (Completed)

I have began my journey to acquire my Comptia Network+ certification. I will learn how networks communicate with each other. I will become aware of all the different types of networks such as LANS, WLANS, PANS and WWANS. I hope to complete this certification in the coming months.

Thirty Day Certification Challenge: Juniper Networks JNCDA (Completed)

I have taken on Network Chunk's thirty day certification challenge. In this challenge I am tasked with competing the Juniper Network Jncda certification learning path. I will learn about how to design network infrastructures with Juniper Network devices such as waps, routers, switches as well as the networks themselves. I...